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Air Fryer Cheesy Garlic Crumpet Tear ‘n’ Share
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I love the texture of a crumpet, and this easy tear ‘n’ share is a perfect alternative when you are this close to ordering a pizza on a Tuesday night.
8 mins
Hopefully this cheesy, garlicky number will satisfy any greasy pizza cravings and save you money at the same time. I’ve suggested this serves 3–4, but it will do just as well for two hungry people. And if you like recipes like this, you can pick up a copy of my airfryer cookbooks Air Fryer 30 Minute Meals and The Healthy Air Fryer Book on Amazon today.
Step 1
In a bowl, combine the garlic, butter, salt and parsley.
Step 2
Spread all of the crumpets with the garlic butter. Top half of the crumpets with a little mozzarella, then sandwich together with the remaining crumpets. Cut the crumpets in half and scatter in an ovenproof dish, there is no art to it so organise in whatever way you like.
Step 3
Top with the remaining mozzarella.
Step 4
Air-fry at 180°C (350°F) for 8–9 minutes, then tear and share the life out of it!
6 garlic cloves, crushed
100g (1/2 cup) light butter
Pinch of sea salt
Handful of freshly chopped parsley
8 crumpets
100g (3.5 oz) grated mozzarella cheese (preferably reduced-fat)